Friday, September 11, 2009


I know you're thinking, "Will she ever blog again?" Yes. I will. I am right now in fact. And once we get all this moving and switching around of houses completed, I plan to do it more. And just to let you know that I haven't forgotten about it entirely, I wanted to give you the titles of some posts to be looking forward to. So here you go:

  • The Tiniest Room in the World
  • What I Love About My New-Old House (a miniseries featuring some of my favorite details)
  • I Never Thought I'd Make Curtains
  • The Dining Room: Our New Living Room
So, there you have it. I am thinking about blogging. Just, as you can tell, the whole house thing is consuming my thoughts. A lot of things are different and new in the old the house this time around, and I can't wait for you to see the changes. But I'll have to (and so will you), because a lot of them aren't finished yet.


Heather said...

Looking forward to the posts, and to seeing your house in person!

Debbie B said...

We are all going to hold you to the new Blog posts!!! Hope you are settling in nicely.

Oh, Leah... I have a board for Christian Moms. Most of the moms on my board are homeschooling moms but some are not. If you would like to join the board let me know and I'll send you the link.

Mrs. Debbie

Karen said...

Saige, I see you have new wallpaper! Love that...but still waiting for those pics! xoxo KK