Monday, December 07, 2009

a finished corner

Sadly, a finished corner is all I can show you at present. But at least you get two views of it, right? As soon as I get the curtains made for the other window and my other guitar pictures hung, I'll show you the rest of the room. Hopefully while there's still a Christmas tree in it.

Interesting Tidbits:

  • I made the curtain from some vintage fabric I got at Goodwill. It just matched the wall color too perfectly to not use it, even though it's 100% polyester. :(
  • The picture is one of several I drew from my art class final project--most of my guitar pictures will be displayed in the living room. I really want to get the drawing of mine and David's guitars framed--its my favorite.
  • Most of our doors have glass knobs. I just love them!
  • The chair is sitting in front of the computer closet. I'll have to organize it again and then you can see. I think it's pretty nifty.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

pumpkin patch comparisons

Now that it's almost Thanksgiving, I'm regretting not having posted these WEEKS ago. Anyway, I can't seem to make myself write witty things lately, so you'll have to make do with looking at pictures.
Year 1

Year 2
Year 3
Group shots:
Year 1

Year 2

Year 3
I can't wait to see next year's with another little baby thrown into the mix. Six kids at the pumpkin patch is gonna be fu-un!

Friday, September 11, 2009


I know you're thinking, "Will she ever blog again?" Yes. I will. I am right now in fact. And once we get all this moving and switching around of houses completed, I plan to do it more. And just to let you know that I haven't forgotten about it entirely, I wanted to give you the titles of some posts to be looking forward to. So here you go:

  • The Tiniest Room in the World
  • What I Love About My New-Old House (a miniseries featuring some of my favorite details)
  • I Never Thought I'd Make Curtains
  • The Dining Room: Our New Living Room
So, there you have it. I am thinking about blogging. Just, as you can tell, the whole house thing is consuming my thoughts. A lot of things are different and new in the old the house this time around, and I can't wait for you to see the changes. But I'll have to (and so will you), because a lot of them aren't finished yet.

Monday, August 03, 2009


I'm not going to explain every picture, so here's a little note or two about them:
I put these in chronological order.
All of the black and white are taken with black and white film, so they're a bit grainy. But I think that's what makes film so cool.
It was such a fun weekend. And such a cute couple. I'm so happy for them.
Lyndsay demonstrating the proper way to pop a collar.

David, Aubie, and I did the same once we got home : )

Friday, July 17, 2009


Last Friday was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. Since one rarely gets the opportunity to dress up like a cow, we are of course, all for it. It doesn't hurt that you get free chicken too! : )

I always have a weird look in my eye when I set the timer for a picture--its not too bad here.
I couldn' t get Matthan to give up the bottle for the pictures for anything.
Thankfully he got rid of it on his own for this pic.

Why is this woman dressed as a cow racing down the road? To get free Chick-fil-A!

Eating our free meals. I paid $.21 to upsize my drink. Not to bad for 3 people's dinner, huh?

Crafty bits: Matthan is wearing Aubie's tunic I painted last year, I'm wearing the t-shirt I painted last year, and I made Aubie a new tunic with some fabric I had. (Appropriately titled "bits".

Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is a gift for Heather's little boy who just had the most awesome WALLE themed birthday party--the dirt cake "directive" (if you haven't seen the movie, you'll need to to get this) was pretty dang cool! A theme party after my own heart. *sigh* If ever I get my marbles back, I'd love to put that much thought into a party some time.

His name's Bot. I asked Matthan what we should call him, and that's what he said. "Bot". Probably just saying his word for robot, but he looks like a "Bot" doesn't he?

Cow pictures in a day or so... right now, its back to cleaning and packing, or whatever it is that I call myself doing.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

another party

How Wolverine celebrates his birthday.
Looks like HawkGirl should be perched here instead.
No, Zero the Hero didn't hit the Hulk. They're both just camera shy.
Zero the Hero (from Schoolhouse Rock) now over his camera-shy-ness.
The barely green Hulk.

Batgirl posing for her featured article in the Gotham Times.

The Hulk transforming during Batgirl's photo shoot. My camera barely survived.

How I made the costumes: The Hulk is pretty obvious. A cut off shirt and cut off pants. I think the best way to describe the Batgirl outfit is to answer Heather's question. "So, what did you dissect to make her costume?" The answer is: a windsuit, a fleece sweatshirt, and a vintage leotard. The sweatshirt is any yellow that you see. The leotard is the hat and the arm cuffs. The puffy windsuit sleeves are now the cape. The front of the jacket is the back of the shirt--the pants, the pants. And the bottom of the pants became the boots--I even kept the zipper so they'd be more like real boots. Its my first attempt at complete shoes, so they don't fit so well--too big. In fact, they only fit well enough to take pictures in, not to walk in. But, I plan to keep trying.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pony party (some craft ideas, too)

Aubie turned 5 last week, and this past weekend we had her party. She requested a pony party, so here's what it looked like:
Waiting to pull the pinata strings. Does this pinata look sorta familiar?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle has a whole new meaning to me now... Like, revamping last year's castle pinata by painting a couple of horses and turning it into a "pony palace" or...
cutting the pony tails from the end of a purple plastic table cloth I've been able to reuse for several years.
Easy Pin the Tail on the Pony: Online horse coloring page, magnified on Paint, then printed (on several pages) and traced onto a Dollar Tree shower curtain.
Aubie opening gifts. She loved all of her pony presents especially!

Time for cake and icecream!

Jill with her pony.
A whole bunch of ponies. I was having a bit of trouble coming up with ideas to go along with the pony party theme. Why not make hobby horses? I found this great tutorial and improvised a bit. Instead of a dowel rod, I used mops from the Dollar Tree. Aubie has been wanting a unicorn hobby horse for several months now, but I didn't want to spend $15 on one that was too short for her. Since I bought new fabric for her horse, I'd say her's cost maybe $3 or $4. For all the others I used scraps that I already had, so they ended up costing around $1.50.