Aubie: "This is about an old lady. Mommy, I gon' tell you a story 'bout an old lady."
Me: "Ok."
Aubie: "Once there was this old lady. Her name was Saige."
I didn't really want to hear the rest. Thank goodness she distracts easily.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Posted by
12/13/2008 01:26:00 PM
Monday, December 08, 2008
two for the "price" of one
Back before Thanksgiving, when it was warm enough to play outside, I couldn't stop my restless fingers from pulling up some muscadine vines and making a wreath. I wanted to use some of the gorgeous persimmon leaves--a pumpkin-y orange color--but got distracted by the 4-toned leaves in the front yard. So, I hot glued all these leaves and a few berries to it. Sadly, they did not stay this color, but the muted version was still pretty as well.
I wanted to see if I could make the same wreath work for Christmas, so I took all the leaves off and painted it red. I used this great ribbon that I'd been saving for such an occasion--sage green with red "tis the season to be jolly" on it. I just love true red and any shade of green for Christmas. Its so old-fashioned and Christmas-y.
Posted by
12/08/2008 06:50:00 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
one little, two little,...
Two little Pilgrims. : )
Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving! (This one was taken by Kat, Corey's girlfriend. Thanks for the awesome picture, Kat!)
The pilgrims with cousin Corey (I wanted you to get a good look at Matthan's shoes--this was the only time he was still enough for me to get a good shot of them). If you want more details about the second pilgrim costume, you can ask me. This time I thought I'd just let you enjoy the pictures.
Posted by
11/28/2008 05:09:00 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Probably should've saved this till next Thursday, but...
I couldn't. She's too cute, and I was too excited about posting this.
Tonight was pilgrim night at Cubbies. To make this dress I used another of the 2xl turtlenecks and scrap fabric that I had. I cut off the sleeves, cut the shirt in half, and cut the top half down to size. I gathered the bottom half, and put the two halves back together, sewed on the collar, and sewed on the sleeves and cuffs (not necessarily in that order). This was my first time sewing on sleeves in like, 14 years (when I made an outfit with Mom once), and my very first time doing it without a pattern. Then of course, she needed a hat and an apron. I won't say it was easy, but it wasn't hard either. It was just fun. But the funnest part was when she tried it on last night and said, "Oh, I gonna be so pretty!" And I think she is the prettiest pilgrim I have ever seen!
Posted by
11/19/2008 04:55:00 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
and the winner is...
Ok, I'm finally posting the contest results. Sorry. It's been a busy weekend. First, I wanted to show these pictures of our trip to Callaway Gardens Thursday. I met up with Sarah, a friend from my YWAM days. We hadn't even talked in 12 years until she found me on Facebook. Anyway, her girls are 3 and 2, and my kids are 4 and 1, so it turned out to be a great playdate and time to catch up.
We fed the ducks.
While we were eating this crane (or whatever) flew right down and started walking around. I'm kinda glad Matthan didn't notice--I was afraid his aggressive love of animals might cost him an eye or something.
These are all at the Day Butterfly Center. Its awesome how the butterflies just float all around you. Sarah and her girls had butterflies land on them several times!
This is also at the Day Butterfly Center. I Sepia-ed this one because it looked so old-fashioned like a photo in a conservatory or something, and Aubie and Matthan looked so early 1900's in it. (Click on it to make it bigger--I had my camera set so the pictures would be smaller and forgot to adjust it when uploading)
We took some goodbye pictures under this pretty tree. The drive out there and back was absolutely gorgeous--I wish I had taken some pictures. Sadly, this is the only fall tree I got.
Ok, back to "the winner is"... It's Miss Debbie! Congratulations! You'll be getting your prize in the next week or so. Thanks to all who participated. There'll be a Christmas contest in December, so be sure to keep checking!
Posted by
11/10/2008 01:00:00 PM
Monday, November 03, 2008
its here... #200
I've been debating what to post about for my 200th post. Should I make it pertain only to the fact that it is my 200th post, or should I just do something normal? And I decided, since I have trouble finding the time to post anyway, I might as well just go with normal. Otherwise, you wouldn't see the Fall Festival pictures till closer to Christmas ; )Cinderella. Her dress is one of the Cinderella dress-up dresses that is made shorter for playing in (given to her on her birthday by her friends Jill and Daniel--thanks!). I was afraid if we let her wear it by itself that her little legs would freeze off. And I wanted it to be long like the real Cinderella dress. Mom helped me gather the crinoline that I had (a square dancing one I got at the SA) and I made the silver skirt by spray painting some sheer fabric I had and adding glitter to it. So it was good and poofy and Cinderella-y.
She looked a bit more like Sleeping Beauty when we got there. Poor thing fell asleep on the way.
Riding Thomas the Train.
Two different slides--I couldn't seem to ever get a picture of her at the top and then the bottom of the same one.
Playing Hockey.
Probably a bit juvenile for for her, but at least she won some candy : )
Oh, and in case you're wondering where the brother is, he was too sick to come--he would have made a cute mouse for Cinderella.
Ok. Let's get down to business. If you want to participate in the contest, here's what you do: Just leave a comment. Yep, that's it. One comment. (Though I would love to read multiple comments from you, leaving more than one won't increase your chances.) The deadline is 8:00pm this coming Friday. So be sure to get your comments posted in time!
Posted by
11/03/2008 09:31:00 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
two projects (#199-- the big one's not far away!)
Last night it was Bible character night at Cubbies. Aubie wanted to be Mary. I was trying to gently encourage her to change her opinion and be someone like Esther who would be fun to costume. Nope! Mary is her favorite, so it had to be Mary.
Ma had gotten several extra-large turtlenecks a while back, and asked if we might be able to use them. (I've been wanting to make myself a tunic or something out of one, but I haven't yet.) So I pulled out this blue one, pinned the shoulder seam up to the neck seam on the shoulders, and cut the cuff off of the sleeves. Then I used an old white pillowcase to make the vest, and used a piece of fabric for her head wrap. Had I not surged the edge of the fabric for her head, it would have been a completely No-Sew outfit!
Another shirt dress. This one was made from an extra-large Eddie Bauer shirt I got at Goodwill. It was one of those shirts without a collar so I didn't have to worry about doing anything with that. The fabric just looked so fall-y to me, I had to make something with it!
Posted by
10/30/2008 09:49:00 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
fair pictures
Hey, no time to explain each picture--gotta leave for Vida Nueva in like 10 minutes. Just thought I'd finally post them since we went to the fair like 3 weeks ago today.
Posted by
10/23/2008 07:59:00 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, we went to the pumpkin patch. As you'll see, it was a lot of fun ; ) (#197)
One year later...
The first picture, Aubie is scared to death to hold this tiny baby. The second, she is holding on for dear life so that Mommy can get a good picture. I didn't even intend for them to look so similar, it just worked out that way.I love this Joe D. stance.
(for those of you who don't know, Joe D. was my PaPa)
Finding the perfect pumpkin...
Look at the following pictures in order. It makes me laugh every single time. (sorry about Daniel's goth pumpkin in the second picture. my camera likes to play tricks like that.)Aubie had a very funny story to tell about this game. I wish I could remember her exact words, but the gist of it is that Daniel was sticking his head through the holes like the ones you take your picture in, and Aubie hit him in the face with the bean bag because obviously, its a game not a picture thing. He yelled at her for hitting her in the face. See? not funny in my words, but when Aubie told it, I cracked up.
Getting her face painted.
These two are my attempt at getting a good picture of Aubie and Matthan in the pumpkins. He is obviously much too busy for that. October sky!
We went to BK afterward. I wanted to post this picture to commemorate Wendy and Matthan now being able to play on the playground. This is actually their second trip to the playground, but I didn't bring my camera the first time.
Posted by
10/20/2008 10:46:00 PM