Aubie put her blanket on her head today and said, "I married". So I asked her if she wanted to wear a "married" dress. She did, so of course I couldn't miss my opportunity to get pictures!
Friday, April 27, 2007
pretty girl
Posted by
4/27/2007 05:01:00 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Posted by
4/25/2007 03:16:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
where I've been...
Wow! It's been a long time since I posted (Sorry to my fellow non-MySpacers). I was so busy trying to hide the fact that I was working Tres Dias from Dorenda (my mom-in-law) who was actually attending the weekend, that I didn't have time for much else. But guess what? I was completely successful! She had absolutely NO clue. Just so you know, it's not part of the keep-things-secret bit about Tres Dias that I didn't tell her I was working. Dorenda, for those of you who don't know her, is an excellent practical-joker. Where she works, she has actually been accused of jokes that she didn't play, just because everyone knows her nature and assumes that she is always up to something (I think it's the twinkley blue eyes). I, being the( for the most part) reserved, serious person that I am, rarely enjoy a practical joke or surprise. So the last thing she expected was for me to pull one on her. I kept it hidden the entire time she was here with us before we took her to the campground, and I was so afraid that someone would come up to me and say, "I'm so glad you're working!" while we were waiting for things to get started. Nobody did, thank goodness! It wasn't until I was standing along the walkway on the trek to the kitchen for supper that she saw me with my nametag. She just stared at me and shouted, "Saige! I'm gonna get you!" There were several other surprises throughout the weekend that she said she was going to get me about, but always in a good way. She was so blessed this weekend--I am so glad that I was able to be there to see her get so ministered to. She was just glowing when the weekend was over, and when she called to say she was home safely, I could tell she was beaming through the phone. God totally blessed me while I was working too, but even if nothing special had happened specifically for me, I would have been completely happy seeing what God did for Dorenda.
The only sad thing was, she left her jacket here. Aubie came into the room holding it up and in a very distressed voice said, "Mommy, Granny leave her jacket!" She's so precious. Even if she did act like she didn't know me after not having seen me for 4 days, but went straight to Granny and gave her a BIG hug. She's still precious.
For those requesting Aubie quotes, I'll be posting a few more in the next day or so ; )
Posted by
4/24/2007 10:50:00 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Back by popular demand...
more Aubie-isms. The other day she told me, "Mommy, I not have a dream about dinosaurs." I said, "You didn't?" and she said, "no." Then (I'm supposing she did have a dream about dinosaurs) she said, "Dinosaur wick me." "What?" "Dinosaur wick me." "A dinosaur licked you?" "Uh-huh." "Do you like dinosaurs?" "Yep." "When Uncle Daniel was little, he really liked dinosaurs." "Uncle Ricky not like dinosaurs." (I guess with them being so different from each other in every other sense, if one likes dinosaurs, the other one doesn't.)
She says so many funny things, but I just can't remember what they all are. I need to start blogging them as soon as she says them, so I can treasure them always. This morning though, she said some really sweet things that I thought I'd post.
As we were getting ready for...
How sad! Why didn't l finish? Ugh. --10/09/08
Posted by
4/23/2007 05:57:00 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
The other day, I had an emotional day, so all my eye makeup was gone. Before stopping by to see a friend, I put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. Unfortunately, my eyeliner had gotten a bit melty from sitting in the car all day (sorry, David, I was running late for work). No matter how I tried to smudge it, it was still just thick and black and yuck. After returning to the car, I looked in the mirror and said, "I look like Johnny Depp." From the back of the car I hear, "I like Johnny Depp."
Perhaps she was just trying to make me feel better... I really don't think she knows who he is. Yep, just asked her if she knew who Johnny Depp was and she said, "Uh-huh". I said, "Who is he?" she said, "I don't know". When I asked her to point him out on the Pirates movie cover, she pointed to Orlando Bloom. So, the sweet girl just heard her mother's desparation and wanted me to know that its ok to look like Johnny Depp, because Aubie likes him/it (whatever she thought a JohnnyDepp was).
(as some of you know, I actually have looked like Captain Jack--gold teeth and everthing--but thankfully, I have no way of downloading the pictures from my phone to ever show them to those of you who weren't there)
Posted by
4/16/2007 08:56:00 AM
Friday, April 13, 2007
4 weeks away...
Yea! 4 weeks from today, I will know what I'm having--a girl or a boy. Today, when I ask her, Aubie is saying that I will have a girl, but if I ask about a brother or a sister, she says she doesn't want a sister. It's not like she has a choice, but I was hoping that the child that we used to call "The Oracle" might be able to give me some hint. My midwife said that sometimes the older siblings just have a feeling as to the sex of the child, so I keep trying. But all I get is a girl, just not a sister. Perhaps "The Oracle" is a bit off these days.
Posted by
4/13/2007 04:39:00 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007
Easter weekend
Posted by
4/09/2007 11:12:00 AM
Friday, April 06, 2007
aunt estelle
Posted by
4/06/2007 01:47:00 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
corn dog clown nose
Posted by
4/04/2007 11:15:00 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
aunt estelle
Saturday, Aubie and I spent the day with Mom. As we were headed to my house, we decided to stop by the estate sale that my mom's first cousin Duncan (seeing as I can never understand the "once removed" and "second" and "third", we'll just say "mom's first") and his wife, Donna, were having. There were some really pretty things there, but a lot of the really cool stuff had been sold. But the coolest thing, in my opinion, was still there. No one had even thought of getting it. Or perhaps God had an angel guard it until I got to it. : )
I have always heard about my Aunt Estelle (Leah was named after her) and her embroidery and tatting skills. I had no idea she quilted. I picked up this quilt top and was amazed that it had never been finished and that no one had bought this treasure. Then Duncan told us that it was one that my great, great aunt Estelle had made--that some of the pieces were even cut from a set of Aunt Jamie and Uncle Lauren's (Duncan's parents) old drapes. Most of the quilt is corduroy, and I have always wanted a cordoroy quilt. Just look at the detail she put into embroidering on the quilt top. I am not even sure how I am going to quilt this--I don't want to detract from her work.
I also got these handkerchiefs. I wanted to take them all, but what was I going to do with 20 handkerchiefs? You've Got Mail, Emma, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and many other favorites--all have handkerchiefs in them. I have always wanted a hand embroidered one to call my own. I just wonder if there is any significance to the butterfly and the spiderweb. It's just such an interesting picture. It's almost like a something a superhero would use as their symbol or something, you know? Or maybe I'm thinking of something like "The Scarlet Pimpernel". Anyway, I thought it was cool. And the fact that Aunt Estelle did it, makes it all the more special.
I think I posted this... Maybe I just worded things differently.--10/09/08
Posted by
4/02/2007 10:08:00 AM